Sunday, November 06, 2005

Dr. Johnny Pope of Houston comments on Dr. Faulkner...

While waiting for your dream to come to pass, see if God will use you as an instrument to help someone else see their dream come to fruition. As I write this I am thinking of Dr. J.R. Faulkner, associate pastor for fifty years or so for Dr. Lee Roberson of Chattanooga, TN. J. R. Faulkner was a budding actor, ready to climb the highest pedestals of Hollywood when God arrested his heart and won him for service. Had he stayed in the Hollywood business, you could have easily seen him go into directing and producing. He had those gifts of administrating and leading. Yet how he humbled himself and as Dr. Roberson preached at home and abroad, Dr. Faulkner kept the home fires burning with innovative Sunday School planning and soul winning visitation efforts that helped build the largest congregation in the world.