Saturday, November 05, 2005

J. R. Faulkner, Preacher, Educator, Music Director

1914 - Present
Preacher - Educator - Music Director

J. R. Faulkner was born June 8, 1914, in Charlotte, North Carolina. He trusted the Lord as his personal Saviour on December 3, 1937.

In 1941, he enrolled at Bob Jones College, Cleveland, Tennessee. He graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in Bible in 1946.

In 1943 he married Magdalene Amstutz. The Faulkners have five sons --- all graduates of Tennessee Temple University.

Dr. Lee Roberson, founder of Tennessee Temple University writes: "He was first a teacher at T.T.U., later vice president for 22 years; and in 1974 he became president. In the many years of my work, I have found no one to equal Dr. Faulkner in fruitfulness, purity of life, and dedication to the cause of Christ. As a multi-talented man, he performed every task with precision, enthusiasm, zeal, and spiritual power. As a songleader, artist, administrator, preacher or soulwinner, he worked with an unquestioned whole-heartedness. We continue to walk together in the work of our Saviour!!"

Faulkner served as pastor of South Rossville Baptist Church, Rossville, Georgia, from 1945 - 1949, when he accepted the Associate Pastor position at Highland Park Baptist Church, Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Two colleges have honored J. R. Faulkner with honorary degrees. He received an honorary (L.L.D.) from Bob Jones University in 1954; Trinity Baptist College, Jacksonville, Florida, honored him with a (D.D.) in 1993.

J. R. Faulkner retired in 1990, then served as Interim Pastor of Highland Park Baptist Church until 1991.

Although now officially in retirement, as President Emeritus of Tennessee Temple University, Dr. Faulkner continues to lead an active life, representing the University and preaching in churches and Christian schools.

Mildred Eifert
(Dr. Faulkner's secretary for 42 years)
Tennessee Temple University
Chattanooga, Tennessee