Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Little things can block out bigger things...

click on the image above after reading the story below...
here is a big baptist church #1 and a little baptist church #2...
#1 is predominately white, is well-off and has a large, modern bldg...
#2 is predominately black, poor and has an old wood frame bldg...
if you walk from the bus stop on McCallie Avenue over to the big white church #1
you pass church #2 on the way... however, I noticed if I stopped where the red X is
in front of church #2 - the little poor black church, it blocks out church #1 entirely...
that's all it's parishioners see when they come to church, the front door to #2...
the looming #1 church in the background isn't even in the picture...
it started me wondering... is this the way God looks at us... is that little unconfessed sin
blocking God's vision of us as a person... is all of our good works being blocked out
due to some little sin that appears bigger than it is because it's upfront in our heart
and due to perspective and line-of-sight it draws attention to the small things and not
the big picture... please note that I'm not equating the little black baptist church to sin...
I'm simply referring to what you can see and what you can't see when something
small stands between you and something larger. As far as the churches I'm certain God is
equally at home attending black or white church services and the building has nothing
whatsoever to do with the quality of worship going on in either of these buildings.